Disposable mixing cartridge development
CSEM is a privately held, R&D center established in 1984 in Neuchâtel, Switzerland. From the beginning, CSEM has been committed to both applied and order-related R&D. This bridge function between economics and science is still a core aspect of the company, and CSEM has continuously adapted its research areas to the needs of industry.
MedPhab partner
Development Support
DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT [System design] Microfluidics / Mechanical design
[System design] Microfluidics / Mechanical design
in vitro diagnostics in vivo diagnostics therapeutics others
Technology provider Supplier Manufacturer Production services Integrator R&D Consultancy
At CSEM we have developed a micro-mixer for 2 to 4 compounds which had been incorporated into a disposable cartridge. The cartridge had initially been milled (at CSEM and partners) and finally be injection molded.It has been validated by running an assay, flow image analysis and pressure measures. This cartridge was customized to mix two liquids via one mixer or 4 liquids via two mixers. The mixer is optimized for a small dead volume and high mixing efficiency for viscous liquids up to 600mPas.
Cartridge material PMMA
Maximum viscosity 600 mPas
Number of materials current designs with 2 to 4 inlets
Biocompatible yes (with fibroblast cells confirmed
Sterilization yes (X-ray)
At CSEM we have developed a micro-mixer for 2 to 4 compounds which had been incorporated into a disposable cartridge. This cartridge was customized to mix two liquids via one mixer or 4 liquids via two mixers. The mixer is optimized for a small dead volume and high mixing efficiency.
CSEM DS2 0002 V1.0
ISO 9001
Typically up to 100 cartridge (credit-card sized) per month depending on task complexity